Monday, August 6, 2007

Chemical Engineering Annual Review

PhD students are required to give an Annual Review of their progress each year before August. Mine first review was today (a bit late, but they are forgiving). It went well and there was really only 1 question that I didn't know how to respond to. I am happy to report a "Saticefactory" rating (the best they give) meaning that they will continue to pay my stipend and tuition and allow me to do research.

For those of you who don't know or are still not clear about my research, I am studying the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It is the chemical process of turning CO and H2 gas into Diesel Fuel, gassoline, and waxes. Through this process, you can turn coal or biomass into fuel for your vehicle.

The US and China are understandably very interested in this process as it means domestic sources of fuel for the military and less dependence on foreign stability. In light of that . . . Jenny and I might be on our way to China in about a year from now! I contacted a professor in China who offered me $2,000/month to do Fischer-Tropsch research with his group. He said all I need to do is come up with a research objective and a time-table and they would fund all of the research. We are very excited about the prospect as are my professors. It will be a lot of fun if it works out.

So, how about Christmas in China next year, Brunners?


Theresa said...

Check out my site if you want the cousin's blog sites,...

Theresa said...

sorry left off the site url. if it's not https, try http